Page name: demon writings chp 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-28 22:31:37
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Chapter 3: you only get one life unless you take it back
time: none really, but it is Friday / 8-29-82

I opened my eyes to find myself floating in a sea of stars. There's nothing around me, it's almost as if I’m in outer space. "Ok so what exactly happened?...ok I was at the bar...then there was the crazy girl...and after that she.....I don’t know what she did and yet here i am!!". I began floating on my back just thinking about nothing really. If i could at least specify where i was it might not be so difficult to know how to get back. As the hours go by i find myself almost falling asleep, that is until an oddly familiar voice popped into my head. "Oh caita, you look tired lemme wake you up!!". All the stars in the area began slowly expanding until i was unable to see anything through the brightness. I squinted my eyes in an attempt to dull the light, but it seems like the light is going through my eyelids. "Ah screw this! I cant take it anymore!". I opened the palms of my hands and created a huge orb of darkness around my body. At last the light was out of my eyes I almost thought those stars were gonna explode or something.

It wasn’t long before i could feel her talking in my head again. "Well caita now do you think I don’t know any good magic?". I cannot believe she's still going out of her mind over that one little statement!. "Excuse me kieta, but do you know you're a crazy psychotic girl!!". Her voice made a groaning sound. "Well excuse me caita, but I’m not a little girl I’m 315 years old, which makes me a woman even if I look 14!". I smirked and laid down on the floor of my orb. "Well I guess that makes you an old hag!". I didn’t hear her reply in any way which I was kind hoping she would just for laughs. I heard a crackling sound coming from the left side of the orb and turned my attention to it. "Oh is that you kieta? I guess that last comment made you pretty mad huh?". Piece after piece of my solidified orb crackled as a long slender arm smashed through it. Before long the entire figure was in view. It was a woman, but not kieta. She looked to be in her twenties or so and was really pretty. Her skin was a fair color, and her face was covered by her crimson red hair that was so long it reached the floor and kept going. She was wearing a long light blue kimono that was ragged with tears and rips. "You're....not kieta are you?". She brushed her hair out of her face revealing her ruby colored eyes. "No but I am rather pissed at her for sealing me in here for all these years!". Her eyes wandered across the walls of the sphere of darkness I created as the hole she broke in it disappeared. "So sir who are you and how did you make this? I’m quite skilled at the mystic arts myself and for some reason in this dimension I cant hold a barrier for longer than eight seconds". My legs began to feel stiff so I got up and stretched them. "The name is caita zatomi and I wasn’t aware that we were in another dimension, but my magic hasn’t been affected. So enough about me what's your name and how long have you been here?". There was a pause and she still didn’t speak. I looked at the strange empty emotion on her face and knew I shouldn’t have asked that question. "....I...I’m not really sure anymore....about my name...but I’ve been here over 250 years. I guess now it wont be that bad that I have someone else to talk to". A thought came to mind and i smiled. "....No...were gonna leave and you'll have lots of people to talk to...". I snapped my fingers and the air before me shattered like glass. "Now that I know we're in another dimension, I at least know that I’m on some version of earth which means a time space shift is in order". she griped my hand and i jumped through the break in space I created.

The gateway back to sinrea looks so....colorful, some of these colors I’ve never even seen before. As we dropped from the gateway i noticed that I’m not in front of the bar, yet it looks familiar. I’m in a room with many stuffed animals, large and small, the walls are colored light blue, there is a large screen TV in the corner of the room, a king sized bed against the wall with light blue sheets, near it was another slightly smaller queen sized bed with purple sheets and a laptop on it. "Yep....this is my sisters room...I wonder how shuka and ayame are anyway? seems like months since they left town to visit America...And if they don’t hurry back soon the gate's gonna close on them". I looked over at the girl who was now looking dumb-foundedly across the room, which is to be expected seeing as she hasn’t been in a real world since....almost forever basically. She was staring at the laptop with the intensity of a small child looking at a really tough math problem. "Caita...what’s this magic device? it has such a pretty name 'Yai' . Do you think this could be my name?". I peered over her shoulder and indeed the laptop did have a factory name on it spelled 'Yai-3-4-5'. "I...have no clue, but if that’s what you want me to call you, its better than nothing". She looked relieved with joy to at least have a name now. "Great! i want to help you with something now so lets start by finding kieta!". I’m quite amazed that even though yai has been imprisoned for so many years, she still has this will to fight. "Ok leave it to me, I’m a pro at finding people...". I raised my right arm and tried to create a portal back to the bar, but no darkness would appear. "Wha?...where’s my portal?". I flexed my fingers open and closed and noticed I could see through them. I fell back in surprise and fell on the floor, my left hand going through shuka's purple bed. "What the hell is this!". Yai didn’t seem to be having quite as many issues with what was going on. "It's the basic principal that states that any soul that has left the body while the body was still intact may roam the realms free of limitation, but on this plane of reality, magic is an impossibility because we don’t have any life force to command the magic to come from". I don’t really understand crap about what she said but hey, I’m guessing that means that any healing, or elemental magic is out of the question, which kinda sucks cause that’s all I know! "Ok no biggy, the bar's not that far away, and unless karma is really screwing my ass my body should be there....". I grabbed yai's hand and dashed through the wall, pulling her with me. Even though this body I use may not be my real one, I can still feel the warm breeze of the night air against my ethereal skin. "So what are all these flashing lights and beasts of steel?" yai asked me, looking dazzled at all the street lights and cars. "well those large moving metal things are called cars. they get you from place to place quickly and in most cases safely. Those lights you see are street lights, which in away are to help you in case you cant see". A look of amazement spread over yai's face as she continued to stare around. "Really? do you think I’ll ever be able to tame one and ride it?" I’m assuming she's speaking of the cars. I passed her a quick smile as she spoke. "Of course you will, I’ll be right there helping you, ya know, when I turn sixteen of course cause this city does have some rules....and I hate them all...".

As we approached the bar, luckily, my body was still there and in one piece. "Oh thank god! I thought she might of stabbed it or something!”. And as luck would have it, kieta was nowhere in sight. I wasted no time and dove back into my body, head-first.

I feel myself breathing so I guess that‘s good enough for now, but now I don’t have a clue where I am. Where ever I am…its kinda nice here. It looks like a meadow, there are lots of trees around, and the sky is actually blue…Id only heard of blue skies in legends of earth. I was only there for a little bit five years ago, and it was apparently night time so there was no real change from sinrea. I think I can live without the additional open spaces around here though.
(So…you’re the next one to enter looking for the power correct?).
 A voice like an angelic being was speaking into my head. “Who the hell are you? And why should I care?”.
(Quite a rude one aren’t we? Well many seek this place in search of power, a power like no other that cannot be challenged. It calls for no spiritual power, or life force).
I quickly began scanning the area for anything that looked to have any magical properties.
“ok so where is it? What is it?”.
(In due time…but first what brings you to my sanctuary?).
“well If you must know, a girl killed me….kinda….its complicated…”.
(And I suppose it was a strange fox with a crystal of some sort?).
“Oh so you know of her?…or has this happened before?”.
(Yes and its always the same crap! It’s always ‘she tore my soul out’ or ‘I didn’t see it coming’ no one ever just says she beat them!).
“well I cant really help it…she’s rather easily pissed…”.
(yes indeed she is, but onto more important matters. This power I have for you is not to be taken lightly and you are not to tell anyone where you got it, understood?).
I thought about this for a few minutes and carefully considered what he said.
“eh well…bragging is half the fun though…”.
(well I guess you don’t want limitless power!).
“why the hell am I arguing with a spirit?! Get lost!”.
(you’re in my domain! you get out!). He did have a distinct point to what he was saying.
“fine where do I go?!”.
(…..well its not like I should know…).
“You live here!”.
(whatever I’m going away now, you bore me…).
 I raised my fist angrily shouting at the voice. “you loser! Get back here!”. but nothing spoke. “fine…ok so I just leave…”. I can hear a voice far off in the distance, but I know it sounds familiar some how….“Wake up…wake Up….WAKE UP!”.

I sprang up, startled in shock. “who’s there?! “. I heard yai’s voice speaking into my ear. “good, your awake….you passed out a good 20 minutes ago and I’ve been screaming my spirit out trying to wake you up!”. I turned around but no body was there. “um where are you?”. I heard her lips smacking. “geez what are they teaching you in school? Spirits cant be seen by mortals!”. I really don’t know where she went to school but I wish I went there…”right…I knew that…so you need to find a new body right? Yours cant be in any good condition if your….imprisonment is as long as you say. So I got an idea, what if I could get you a body?”. she gasped excitedly. “you can really do that?!”. I rose to my feet and dusted myself off. “No way, not in a million years, but my best friend can do it. However its not an easy process so you’ll have to stay at least near my house until we set it up. Follow me, the house is only like a block away”. We began walking home. I know she’s there, right behind me, I can feel her presence.

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2007-03-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: I'm usually found in the eastern demon plain. Just to let you know.

2007-03-06 [shadow frost wolf]: well that's good but your going to become a new student at the school i attend so that doesnt effect the story...yet

2007-03-06 [~Spirit Fox~]: okay but I'm already at a school in my original story and my best friend dies a tragic death there.

2007-03-06 [shadow frost wolf]: that....kinda sucks, but later in my story mine does too

2007-03-07 [~Spirit Fox~]: The m dude, I can't remember the full name.

2007-03-07 [shadow frost wolf]: nope my childhood friend that i havent introduced yet, we live together cause she really wont make it far without me

2009-11-22 [shadow frost wolf]: i forgot how much fun this story was XDDD

2010-02-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD exibites of Kieta during book six. (soul removal becomes child's play to her then, but Saari is the one who lock ppl away. ^.^)

2010-02-03 [shadow frost wolf]: im not a huge fan of soul removal, now soul destroying is a fun topic XD

2010-02-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: I have 3. surprises that occur in 6....

all three involve kieta in some way. One is with nevera, another is with Saari, and the 3rd, which is the last big surpirse, is at the very end. It involves words said by Saari, actions by Nue and Kumori, and then some more crazy reactions by Kieta.....and Iri....ish. XD Oh and Neniko is supoosed to be killed by iri in the war. Neniko should have kept her mouth shut and not mentioned the fact that Nue was there...and that she would never let Iri see and hurt him again...XD BAD MOVE!

2010-02-04 [shadow frost wolf]: she failed then XD

2010-02-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: she died! XD Ulta Fail! Anyway Saari collects her soul and bonds her to the main all the others who dieed and are pacted with Saari.

2010-02-06 [shadow frost wolf]: That would suck to me.

2010-02-08 [~Spirit Fox~]: Saari is alot different when it's one of her own. Plus they only have to live in the main dimension. *which Caita's seen 1% litterally about 1%* The main dimension is so large, and differnt that once you step out of the main house, you could walk out into an ocean or forest or anything. Also each memeber's room is controled by them. They think it, it happens...but only in their room, and no death. I wouldn't mind it, I wouldn't reallys ee Saari, since it's so big they had to create transporters so it wouldn't take four days to get down the damn hall....

2010-02-08 [shadow frost wolf]: that would be kinda cool, but youd be dead, wont be really interesting XD

2010-02-09 [~Spirit Fox~]: As far as that all goes, in Saari's dimensions the dead live on as the living would. In any and all aspects, they do, and feel the same way.

2010-02-09 [shadow frost wolf]: it rather not it'd be lonely.

2010-02-09 [~Spirit Fox~]: Saari's dimension is full of all kinds of ppl, from all walks of life.

2010-02-09 [shadow frost wolf]: I cant truly see that XD

2010-02-09 [~Spirit Fox~]: Sari houses various animals too. She has a thing for horses, so she keeps a stable.

2010-02-11 [shadow frost wolf]: i cant see a psycho loving animals XD

2010-02-11 [~Spirit Fox~]: she's not a psycho! She's just mis-undertstood.

2010-02-11 [shadow frost wolf]: your exact words to me something odd months/years ago were 'She destroys things and builds them back up' in my oppinion, that makes her psycho, or a kid who doesnt have enough videogames. XD

2010-02-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: 1...NOT A KID! XD Just plays one from time to time.

And yes, but she also does this to polish the soul to whatever she needs to keep herself balanced. it isn't mental, she actually has to do this. XD

2010-02-12 [shadow frost wolf]: she started a war with little to no reason, and has some sort of fetish for causing problems to EVERYBODY she knows, and many she doesnt.

2010-02-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: Actually the war isn't for nothing. Her "qural" with Caita is the only "nothing" to it. Saari has been warned and advised by Kaze to take this path in her life because of a certain someone. Kaze wants revenge, but for him to get it, he has to create a demonic dimension wide alliance to stop a certain someone. ^.^ Kaze reveals this later when he speaks with Caita just before Kieta comes back. Kumori is with him, who has come back a few months before Kieta. Kumori joins Caita's team to go after the "third party", Nue and Iri will follow Kumori of course.

Anyway the 3rd party, if the war hadn't started when it does, would have begun killing each town off one by one. But since he wasn't prepared for a full scale war between 2 of the 4 functioning domain leaders, he didn't ahve time to begin attacking one by one and saw the war as an oppertunity. Kaze knew this, and warned Saari. This way saves the most lives.

2010-02-13 [shadow frost wolf]: and the fetish for causing problems?

2010-02-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: That's how she is able to "polish" souls....

2010-02-14 [shadow frost wolf]: by killing their families and confusing them?

2010-02-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: it alters the nature of the soul...well ultamitly. (teach me to spell that one...XD)

Anyway... If you change a persons life, for good or bad, it can and normally causes them to be bitter, or happy. (results my vary.) When this happens they have tendancys to, act coldly, or warmly towards ppl, even extream cases where they ecome vengful (Kieta...).

When a black (bad) soul becomes white (good), or the other way around, the dramtic change causes the person to become extreamly powerful, soul wise, and causes Saari to want the soul, since they are so diffrent. Saari will sometimes cause a soul to become evil for this reason, but she also makes some good, so she can maintain balance. This is because her REAL soul is hidden and locked down, therefore she is ALWAYS in a souless state, but because she fills herself full of souls, she keeps a sane mind, but must keep the balance. Plus the more souls, the more powerful the SC.

2010-02-16 [shadow frost wolf]: (ultimately)

Hmm...i sorta see that.

2010-02-16 [~Spirit Fox~]: well at least you get it better no. ^.^ and yay! I use it too much not to know it. XD

2010-02-19 [shadow frost wolf]: still dont like her, but i understand XD

2010-02-22 [~Spirit Fox~]: Well as long as you understand her. ^.^ I study psycology books to make her characetr and part of Kieta's too. (well in all honesty I was studing for my own conciousness, but now I rememeber for characetr reasons.)

2010-02-22 [shadow frost wolf]: i didnt find that neccesary. People arent made of books, they're made of feelings. but im glad your doing your homework ^^

2010-02-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: I did it for myself mostly and ppl are not made of books, but the general stand point in the human mind is a the same from one normal to the next normal. But the ones with illnesses act the same according to illness. Of course there will and are always exceptions.

2010-02-23 [shadow frost wolf]: for mine i sutured them together like dolls ^^

2010-02-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: ? emotions? illness? or characters? XD

2010-02-23 [shadow frost wolf]: all of them (mwaahaahahahahhaaaaaa!!!!)

2010-02-24 [~Spirit Fox~]: I see. ^.^

2010-02-24 [shadow frost wolf]: mwwhaahahaahhaaaa!!!!

2010-02-25 [~Spirit Fox~]: look my head hurts so I'm going to lay down..

2010-02-28 [shadow frost wolf]: alright, *sad face*

2010-03-01 [~Spirit Fox~]: I'm better now. That day was a train wreck...

2010-03-03 [shadow frost wolf]: reason?

2010-03-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: the next day was my mother's surgery, and a few other bull crap things...

2010-03-04 [shadow frost wolf]: *pats on the back* O_O

2010-03-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: It's just too much lately...and now the guy I kinda like who said he wanted to hang out with me "as friend...for now...*akward pause as he waited on an answer*" anyway, he hasn't called and yesterday when I logged onto myspace he logged off as if to avoid me... Then there's the whole, I can't call him part because my Caller ID deleted out his #, which I probably did. Anyway I didn't get to write it down...

2010-03-05 [shadow frost wolf]: eh, he'll call sooner or later ^^ Chin up.

2010-03-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: actually....I sent his ass a message xD and he still hasn't caled. XD

2010-03-11 [shadow frost wolf]: well >.>

2010-03-11 [~Spirit Fox~]: we talked, sorta. It was him telling me about how he found a 15 year old that was exactly like him. Mind you he just turned 18. Screw it...I'm done XD

2010-03-12 [shadow frost wolf]: i could see 17, maybe even 16 approaching 17, but, damn...O_O

2010-03-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: my thoughts exactly...

2010-03-18 [shadow frost wolf]: best of luck too him, but...XDD

2010-03-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: neh he stopeed messaging me again.

2010-03-30 [shadow frost wolf]: sorry for your somewhat loss.

2010-03-30 [~Spirit Fox~]: I'm was stupid... -.-

2010-03-30 [shadow frost wolf]: Well, today's a new day ^^

2010-03-30 [~Spirit Fox~]: yeah and when you get a sec. check my comment to your diary....

2010-03-30 [shadow frost wolf]: sure

2010-03-30 [~Spirit Fox~]: ^.^ yay!

2010-04-01 [shadow frost wolf]: new developments XD

2010-04-01 [~Spirit Fox~]: yes. message... -.-'''' It starts off with Saturday, April 3rd. ^.^ find it soon so I know if you're coming

2010-04-02 [shadow frost wolf]: yes, but im bringing my posse.

2010-04-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: so it would seem. XD

2010-04-05 [shadow frost wolf]: the king doesnt like to leave without his crew of royal subjects XD

2010-04-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: So I noticed. XD I had followers. XD

2010-04-15 [shadow frost wolf]: true, at times id not really notice if somebody was missing XD

2010-04-15 [~Spirit Fox~]: I didn't fully care as long as it was 2 ppl. Now when you vanished no one knew where you went so Robert and Lawrance went looking then me and Valen did. Irony is you came to us then Robert and Lawrance appeared. XD

2010-04-17 [shadow frost wolf]: didnt want anyone to be left out though ^^

2010-04-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: neh that's their fault if they do. ^.^ I'm worrying about me right now, somehting I haven't done in so long. Of course I will help out my friends, but I'm not going to put myself in situations I don't feel comfortable in or want to be in anymore. ^.^ Be proud, the old me is surfacing again. XD

2010-04-24 [shadow frost wolf]: OMG original Kieta xD

2010-04-25 [~Spirit Fox~]: yeps...the bitch is back....again XD

2010-04-29 [shadow frost wolf]: *puts her in a headlock* so where ya been!?

2010-04-29 [~Spirit Fox~]: Hiding. ^.^ *slips out* Waiting untill the other me's got sick of playing nice. XD

2010-05-02 [shadow frost wolf]: so who've i been talking to for the longest? XD

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: I'm not entirely sure at this point. i think that was the nice version...the one who lets ppl walk on her.

2010-05-02 [shadow frost wolf]: so what prompted the bitches return?

2010-05-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: Oh aggervation. But I don't think this will last for more than a day or two longer since everything's balancing again. (Iron fist tech. ^.^)

2010-05-03 [shadow frost wolf]: you know theres a real chinese martial art called the iron thumb?

2010-05-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD Nope never knew that one.

2010-05-03 [shadow frost wolf]: once you master it, you can puncture organs with your thumb alone.

2010-05-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: Sounds interesting. ^.^

2010-05-06 [shadow frost wolf]: my thumbs are for gaming, not murder XD

2010-05-06 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD well yeah.

2010-05-11 [shadow frost wolf]: when we get to play again we'll play regular brawl so we can be on equal grounds ^^

2010-05-11 [~Spirit Fox~]: Fine by me. But I'll probably lose that too. XD

2010-05-18 [shadow frost wolf]: maybe, never know. you did good considering you were just watching most of the matches. you found shiek's major weakness (not that hard to notice) and link's strength (which i hadnt even seen) XD

2010-05-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: Link's strenght: The ability to attack and defend at the same time.

How this helps someone like Kieta: "no defenss nelly", so when the attack is the defence she is usually very well defended.

But if you think that was interesting you should see the Super Smash Brothers Melee version of me playing him. ^.^

2010-05-24 [shadow frost wolf]: well, his in game strength (that i was reffering to) was his vastly increased knockback. on top of that, that bow is a bitch to deal with XDD

2010-05-24 [~Spirit Fox~]: Forget the bow, I like my other combos. XD (used bow on accident a few times XD)

2010-05-25 [shadow frost wolf]: i dont know if you saw me DIE from that accident, but...xD

2010-05-25 [~Spirit Fox~]: I usually kill ON accident. I have a habit of playing aroudn with my opponents too much, which is why I die on accident a lot. XD

2010-05-30 [shadow frost wolf]: your rules are fun ^^ we gotta do that again sometime XD

2010-05-30 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD Okay, but we'll try out melee...and I'll bring my GC controllers....

2010-06-05 [shadow frost wolf]: thats cool, in melee, my best fighter is mario. In brawl he sucks though, so it'll be a stroll down memory lane for me ^^

2010-06-06 [~Spirit Fox~]: Link, Falco, Sheik. That's mine but Falco and Sheik sometimes inner change.

2010-06-07 [shadow frost wolf]: shiek is my second best on melee too ^^

2010-06-08 [~Spirit Fox~]: Ricky uses Roy, Mario, and some other random character. (he litterally just goes, Okay time to use this one.)

Jesse uses Falco, which he stole from me yet I can still kill him with, Dr. Mario, and Bowser.

Katrina uses Sheik....Zelda...and occasionally a random character, mostly Bowser.

2010-06-14 [shadow frost wolf]: i hate bowser XDDD

2010-06-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: I do too!

2010-06-16 [shadow frost wolf]: i tried out melee the other day just to see if it would work out, i hate the game cube controler XD

2010-06-16 [~Spirit Fox~]: I love it!!!! <33333333333

2010-06-27 [shadow frost wolf]: the wii-mote is my one and only weapon ^^

2010-06-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD Good luck there. ^.^

2010-06-28 [shadow frost wolf]: my wii-mote is like personal to me. you could probably voodoo me with that thing XD

2010-06-28 [~Spirit Fox~]: You could voodoo me with my rings. XD I barely ever take them off. only when I'm in water like a pool, alke, to take a shower. I'm afraid one of the stone'll fall out one day and I won't be able to find it to replace it.

2010-07-02 [shadow frost wolf]: ive never noticed them xD

2010-07-02 [~Spirit Fox~]: You don't notice anything. XD

2010-07-03 [shadow frost wolf]: fine, next time we meet up, i'll examine you. Will that be any better for you? XDDD

2010-07-03 [~Spirit Fox~]: Caita, you don't notice anything about anyone. XD

2010-07-06 [shadow frost wolf]: Yes i do, i take great pride in my ability to read behaviour and moods, thus i sacrifice material focus by maintaining eye contact. ^^

2010-07-07 [~Spirit Fox~]: Really now? What happens when the person doesn't follow behavior patterns or show their real mood?

2010-07-08 [shadow frost wolf]: its diffficult to do that, but in the case that it does happen, it means ive been mislead ^^

2010-07-08 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD Well that sucks for you. I have a habit of concealing my emotions at times. And usually because I just don't feel like dealing with ppl. XD

2010-07-10 [shadow frost wolf]: concealing emotions and such is a decently easy way of showing people how you are, if they notice. Matts terrible at it X_X

2010-07-11 [~Spirit Fox~]: Yeah, except for the part where I take a blank look. XD

2010-07-12 [shadow frost wolf]: i think ive seen a completely blank face once >.>

2010-07-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: heh, I am actually thinking so fasta nd so much I can't form a facial expression. XD

2010-07-13 [shadow frost wolf]: ...thats understandable XD

2010-07-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: ^.^ I hopes so.<img:44166_1164903273.gif>

2010-07-15 [shadow frost wolf]: i totally forgot about the emoticons ^^

2010-07-16 [~Spirit Fox~]: I loves them. XD

2010-07-17 [shadow frost wolf]: i dont use them enough >.>

2010-07-17 [~Spirit Fox~]: Me either...well not anymore. XD

2010-07-18 [shadow frost wolf]: i use the key related ones like XD like their going out of style.

2010-07-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: XD I have my faces but that's about it.

2010-07-19 [shadow frost wolf]: <img:2706_1128818519.gif> nom.

2010-07-19 [~Spirit Fox~]: nom.?

2010-07-21 [shadow frost wolf]: thats what i think of when i see that face XD

2010-07-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: Fooooooooooood! XD

2010-07-21 [shadow frost wolf]: Where!?!?

2010-07-22 [~Spirit Fox~]: the nom reminded me of someone eating....Mushi makes that sound. XD

2010-07-25 [shadow frost wolf]: ...i need to hear this XDD

2010-07-26 [~Spirit Fox~]: It's funny. ^.^

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